Wednesday, November 18, 2015

New aspects of the Law of Attraction

Become acquainted with The Law of Attraction – the most important natural law in your life.

My book ”The Art of Attraction” – New Aspects of the Law of Attraction” is out now on / and it explains in clear and logical terms how this fantastic natural law works. The book presents lots of good advice about how to make the law work for you, so that you can attract the things and circumstances in your life that you most want.

Fact box:         It is irrefutable that there is a law of attraction. This law has been known to physics for more than 100 years, and it decrees that energies on similar wavelengths attract each other. We make use of the law when we listen to the radio, watch television and speak on our mobile phones, because these means of telecommunication make use of the law of attraction for the transmission of electromagnetic waves. This means that we make use of this natural law every day. But the law of attraction also affects our personal lives through the magnetism that our thoughts hold. Our thoughts are”something” even though we cannot see them – they are electromagnetic waves that are measurable. When we think of something, we quite simply attract what we are thinking about or wishing. So there is every reason to ”do some weeding in your thought sphere” and only think positive and happy thoughts. Be careful about what you think – because you attract it….

      The magic of life really dawns on you when you understand how the law of attraction works. Once you consciously start to work with your thoughts, so that you focus on the aspects that you want and desire, then you have taken a major step in the direction of mastering your life. And there is not a shadow of a doubt that the law works. The more you concentrate on positive thinking, the more positive things will happen in your life. This is not just wishful thinking, but sheer physics. Negative thoughts vibrate on a completely different wavelength than positive thoughts, and with the vibration you send out, you attract wavelengths from the universe that are a vibrational match to your own wavelength. Happy and positive thoughts attract happy and positive vibrations from the universe, and negative and pissed off thoughts plus worry and pessimism attract negative vibrations – and those negative vibrations can induce illness and ill health.   
      In ”The Art of Attraction” the physical laws behind the workings of the law of attraction are explained, and you get a lot of advise about how to become a better attractor of what you want. The book underlines the enormous power of thought, because we are what we think. It is our thoughts that have determined where we live, who we are with, what we do and also our relationship to our surroundings. And it is also our thoughts that constitute the most important factor in our health, because with thoughts of illness, pessimism and worry we attract negative vibrations and consequently ill health.  Today the power of thoughts in connection with healing is becoming more and more recognized, also within the field of traditional medicine, so there is every reason to practise positive thinking. It can save your life... 
      The book also points out that we are the ones who decide what we think. This is a very important point. We decide which thoughts are being thought in our heads– nobody else does. If a thought isn’t pleasing to us, we can just let it go and think about something pleasing instead. We have the world’s best ”built in” measuring device to determine if a thought is good and appropriate or bad and inappropriate: our emotional guidance system. If a certain thought makes us feel bad, then the emotional guidance system has passed verdict, and it means that we should immediately throw that thought overboard and find another thought to focus on. When we feel discomfort around a certain type of thought, be it illness, worry, terrorism or politics, then there is every reason to ”change channels” and find a thought that gives us positive feelings. We have millions of thoughts on millions of wavelengths at our disposal, so why linger on the ones that make us feel bad? The book gives lots of instructions about how to become good at choosing your thoughts, and the better you get at choosing positive thoughts the more happiness and joy will you attract. Because what you focus on and what you attract and what manifests in your life is always a match – every time, no exception.
      Does it sound too simple? Then read the book and try for yourself. It is guaranteed to work because the law of attraction is the most powerful natural law of the universe. And you can make it work for you!
      This is what the press wrote:”Else Byskov’s book is very easy to read and it has many good and diverse arguments that urge you to start improving your mix of thoughts. It is a book that reveals both humour and insight, so you become both happier and wiser by reading it.

See a full list of my books on


Friday, June 1, 2012

The Survival of Consciousness

The Survival of Consciousness.

By Else Byskov, M.A. & B.A., author.

                      It is now close to three decades since Raymond Moody’s groundbreaking book “Life After Life” was published, and during the years since its publication serious research into the phenomenon of the near-death experience (NDE) has taken place. The research has described the many aspects of the NDE and has established it as a real phenomenon, which can no longer be written off as hallucinations, hypoxia, an overdose of medication or the result of a stimulation of the temporal lobes. Furthermore the research has studied the many life-changing effects of the NDE, its effects on relationships and its potential for helping the dying through the gates of death. But we still do not have any clear idea of how to explain how we can be alive outside our physical body. And as long as we cannot define what survives in scientific terms it is difficult to silence the skeptics.
                      There is an old saying, which states, “When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear”, and it seems that help in determining what is actually going on during a NDE has been offered to us from a quite unexpected quarter. I think that none of the NDE researchers had expected to receive a helping hand from a Danish mystic, but nevertheless the work of the Danish mystic Martinus (1890-1981) (1) offers a logical and scientific explanation to what survives and what happens during a NDE.
When we look at a living body and a corpse it is obvious that the physical ingredients in the two are identical. Both the living body and the corpse have skin, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, blood etc. When physically there is no difference between a living body and a corpse, then it becomes clear that whatever it is that makes the body come alive cannot be physical. This means that we should be looking for a non-physical “substance” to account for what constitutes the dissimilarity between a living body and a corpse. Does such a non-physical “substance” exist? Indeed it does, and we have known of its existence for more than a hundred years. We know that energy exists and that it is not something, which we can see or hold in our hand. But still we know that energy exists, because it is measurable and because we can be sure about its existence through its effects. 
According to Martinus a living being has a double analysis. It is a physical being, but it is primarily an electrical being. Because it is first and foremost an electrical being it is also more than its physical body. Today there is probably nobody who will deny that the human body is surrounded by a field of energy. This field of energy is not restricted to the boundaries of the body, but it transgresses the body and surrounds it as what has become known as the aura. The aura consists of different energies, which organize themselves in a field around the body. Martinus denominates these energies as ray-formed matter. It is irrefutable that the energy field around a living being exists and as it is not “nothing”, but “something” which can both be photographed and measured it can be referred to as a type of matter. Energy is not “nothing” in spite of being both invisible and intangible, and as its existence is irrefutable, we may go as far as saying that it is a type of matter. It is a massless type of matter, but still it is matter because it is not “nothing”, but “something”, and this “something” is both useful, measurable and manipulable.
Martinus says that the states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous) cannot be reduced to three, but that a fourth state of matter, the ray-formed state, consisting of energy, must be added to our list of states of matter. Furthermore Martinus says that the ray-formed state is the first and primary state, because all matter in the universe consists first and foremost of energy.  This has been confirmed by Einstein in his famous equation: E=MC2. Energy equals matter times the square of C, C being the speed of light. The energy in any particle of matter is equal to its mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light. What this equation tells us is that matter is nothing but a form of energy. The mass of a particle is actually energy. This means that physical matter is a result of a condensation of energy and that energy is what everything physical consists of at the end of the day. According to Martinus energy or ray-formed matter is the upper tier of matter, the “substance” of which everything else consists in its final analysis.
                      The aura or energy field surrounding the human body can be photographed using a technique, which is a refinement of the invention of the Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian.       
                             Kirlian photo of aura

                      The energy field is an electrical reality, it is not non-existent and there is nothing mysterious or strange about it. It is there even though we cannot see it, but as it can be visualized through the above-mentioned technique, and as it is measurable it is futile to claim that it is not there. The human energy field consists of ray-formed matter and this type of matter has been classified according to its wavelength in what the science of physics has termed the electromagnetic spectrum. In the electromagnetic spectrum we find long and short radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays and gamma rays. The human energy field has been classified according to its wavelength as belonging to the infra-red section of the electromagnetic spectrum.
                      So far, so good. We have established that our body is surrounded by a field of energy, but what does that mean? What is it and what importance does it have? Actually its importance is huge. We have already seen that energy is the primary type of matter, but furthermore energy has an all-important characteristic: it contains information. This is pointed out by Martinus, and it can be confirmed by science through the work of for instance Jacques Benveniste and Karl Pribram, who both affirm the fundamental information-carrying characteristic of energy.
So our body is surrounded by a field of energy, which contains information. This can be substantiated by the following observations. We now know that our thoughts are measurable. When we place electrodes on the head we can measure thought activity. When a thought is measurable it is because it is of an electrical nature. If a thought were not of an electrical nature it would not be measurable with the instruments used. This means that a thought is an electrical impulse. An electrical impulse is a string of energy or ray-formed matter containing information. As the energy field is a conglomeration of strings of energy this means that the energy field surrounding the body is a conglomeration of thoughts. It is this field of thoughts that constitutes our consciousness. The energy field is identical to our consciousness.
This again means that our consciousness is not seated in the brain, but in the energy field. Energy has an almost infinite capacity for storage of information and it is in this “storage room” surrounding our body that our consciousness is seated. So our consciousness is distributed throughout the energy field that surrounds the body. This may seem controversial but it has been confirmed by various researchers such as Wilder Penfield, Karl Lashley and Karl Pribram whose research has shown that neither memories nor consciousness can be pinpointed to any specific position in the brain. Martinus says that the brain functions like a kind of receiver for the electrical impulses of the field. But the impulses or thoughts do not originate in the brain, the impulses only enter the physical body through specific entrance points in the brain cortex.
                      Energy contains information but at the same time it contains force. We all know that there is force in energy and it is this force that we make use of in all our electrical appliances. So the characteristic of energy is double: it contains information and it contains force. This means that a thought both carries information and force at the same time. According to Martinus the energy in our thoughts is the same as our life force. The energy field is a field of thoughts and thus it is the seat of our consciousness, but at the same time it constitutes our life force. The human energy field is both the seat of our consciousness and the seat of our life force.
In a body that is alive the energy field is in operation in and around the body. But energy is not something that we can hold in our hand and it does not originate in nor is it anchored in the physical body. We know that energy can exist independently of physical matter and indeed that a field of energy can exist without any type of anchoring in physical matter. This means that the human energy field can be in existence even when it is not hooked up to a physical body.
When we die the energy field does not cease to exist. At the moment of death the energy field is severed from the physical body, but the energy does not cease to exist in exactly the same way as the energy that lights up our lamp does not cease to exist when we turn off the lamp. The energy field, which gives both consciousness and life force to the body, does not originate in the body and it continues to exist even though the body dies. Indeed it is when the energy field is withdrawn from the body that death occurs. It is when the energy field is severed from the body that the flat line appears on the electrocardiograph indicating that there is no longer an electrical current present to make the body function.
But as the energy field contains not only consciousness with all the information that is relevant to the individual (its memories, personality traits, talents, dispositions and habits, fears and phobias, tastes and tendencies, level of morality, emotions, level of intelligence and sense of self) but furthermore the very force that makes the body come alive, it is logical that the field does not wane or collapse just because the body dies. The field is life force. We know from the first law of thermodynamics that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, so we have no reason to suppose that the energy field will dissolve when the physical body dies. As the energy field contains our consciousness with all the information about the person we call “I”, and furthermore contains its life force, this “I” survives the death of the body. This means that the core of who we are is the energy field, it is our essential self, our “I”, and this “I” will feel just the same after the severance from the physical body and just as alive as when it was inside the body because the “I” consists of something that is not physical. This is, of course, just as the near-death experiences say.
The physical body is “only” an instrument for the self or “I” which it uses for its manifestation on the physical plane as long as this instrument is serviceable. When the instrument is no longer serviceable, the “I” will release itself from the body, but as the “I” consists of something, which is not physical, the “I” is beyond the reach of physical injury. If we define the energy field with the “I” in religious terms and say that it is identical to the soul we are standing on firm scientific ground when we say that the soul survives the death of the body, indeed we can confirm the eternal nature of the soul when we know that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
The human energy field is an electrical reality and like all other electrical phenomena it vibrates on a specific wavelength, defined by its particular combination of energies. It is a well-known fact that like wavelengths attract each other. The consequence of the workings of this fundamental physical law (the law of attraction and repulsion) in relation to the human energy field is double. Firstly it means that we will, while we are still in the physical body, automatically be attracted to other individuals whose energy field vibrates on a wavelength similar to our own. We all know this and we feel that there are some people with whom we are on wavelength and others with whom we are not, but this has mostly been considered as nothing but a saying. However, this can be substantiated as a result of the law stating that like wavelengths attract each other. Secondly the wavelength on which our energy field or thought matter vibrates will be decisive the moment it is severed from the physical body, because due to the fact that like wavelengths attract each other, our energy field or “I” will automatically be attracted to a wavelength in “empty space” similar to its own.
We now know that “empty space” is not empty at all, but full of energy or ray-formed matter. This energy is the same as thought or consciousness matter and once our “I” is no longer anchored in the physical body it will automatically be attracted to a wavelength in “empty space” similar to its own. This automatic attraction or transfer of our energy field to a similar wavelength can very well be what the near-death experiencers feel as a rapid passing through a tunnel to a destination of light. And because there are many different wavelengths in “empty space” and as these consist of thought matter there are also many different destinations there. These destinations can be conceived of as “realms” of ray-formed matter, they are made up of the thought matter of all those individuals that are on the same wavelength and they will be experienced as an outer, visible reality by the being that no longer has a physical body. As there are many different wavelengths, there are both heavenly and not so heavenly (“hellish”) destinations and whether we go to one or the other is defined by the contents of our own thought matter. The kind, loving and altruistic being will be attracted to a different wavelength than the angry, hateful and egoistic being due to the law of attraction and repulsion.
It has been stated that the energy field is the same as our consciousness and that it is the seat of the soul, containing both life force and all the information about the individual we call “I”. According to Martinus this information has been accumulated over a whole series of former lives and he points out that neither who we are, what we are doing here and the shape of our fate can be understood in the perspective of a single life on earth. We are eternal beings on a never-ending journey through physical and spiritual realms. The core of our being, our individual “I” is the same from life to life, but for each life we live on the physical plane we add new talents and abilities, we refine our moral, we develop our intelligence and intuition, we gradually outlive our animal tendencies, but we are basically and fundamentally the same “I” from life to life. Reincarnation is an absolutely fundamental process and all life forms from atoms, molecules, cells, plants, animals and humans reincarnate. 
This has, of course, huge implications for our understanding of the process of embryo genesis. The information present in the energy field of the “I” is absolutely essential to embryo genesis. The egg and the sperm cell cannot do the job of creating a new human being alone. The Human Genome Project has shown that the genes alone do not hold the key to understanding life. Not only is the gene pool of humans 99% identical to that of mice, but a gene is a recipe for a protein, and everything that we are cannot be explained on the basis of protein structures. There are non-gene regions of the genome, regulatory elements, which orchestrate cell differentiation and gene expression and these elements have not yet been explained. These regulatory elements are, according to Martinus, the huge accumulation of information embedded in the energy field of the being about to reincarnate. The field holds the plan for the creation of a new body and without this plan no new baby could come into existence.
Martinus explains that during the height of intercourse, the orgasm, the intercourse partners emanate a strong energy of a highly spiritual nature. This strong energy attracts the discarnate being that is “ripe” for reincarnation and due to the law of attraction and repulsion the discarnate being will be attracted to parents with an energy combination similar to its own. Once fertilization has taken place it is the information embedded in the energy field of the incoming soul that will be the decisive factor in the creation of the new baby. The sperm and the egg cell only initiate the process, but the information in the energy field of the being now about to reincarnate is essential to the process of cell differentiation, to gene selection and expression. The energy field constitutes the dynamic that orchestrates and regulates the process of creation and leads the single cell of the zygote to become a fully finished child consisting of 6000 billions cells.
The new baby will be created almost completely in favor of the discarnate being now in the process of reincarnation, and as the energy field holds all the talents and characteristics that the being has developed and refined in former lives, it is the energy field that delivers not only the characteristic personality traits of the “I”, but also the consciousness of the new baby. If things did not take place in this way, how can we explain the presence of a consciousness in a new baby, not to mention its specific personality and the talents that it does not share with its parents?
The importance of the information embedded in the energy field is not only expressed during the process of embryo genesis, but indeed all through life. We know that the average life span of a cell is approximately three months. We also know that 10.000.000 cells die in our body every second and are replaced by new. Recent research has pointed out that also our brain cells are renewed all through life. When our whole body is in a constant process of renewal this means that the body I have today and the body I had a year ago do not have a single cell in common. Not a single cell! But where then, is the constant of my being when all the physical matter of my body is continuously renewed? How can I still be the same person when the physical matter of which my body consists is constantly renewed? The answer is simple. The constant is not in the physical body, but in the energy field, which constitutes our consciousness, our life force and holds all the characteristics about the person we call “I”.  When all the physical matter of our body is under a constant process of renewal it is obvious that we are more than our physical body.
The essence of who we are, our “I”, is not physical, but electrical and as this electrical core of who we are, our energy field, constitutes both consciousness and life force, we are fundamentally the same and equally alive whether we have physical body or not. 

1.                  Martinus (Thomsen), Danish philosopher and mystic who lived his whole life from 1890 to 1981 in Denmark. He was born in very humble circumstances and was trained as a dairyman. He had no formal education and had never studied anything when in March of 1921, at the age of thirty, he had a deep spiritual experience which enabled him to see beyond the physical plane. He was able to see the whole of the metaphysical, energy-based world that lies beyond the physical plane. He was hooked up to an immense, divine bank of data from which he could draw freely. With this insight he was able to present a complete, holistic world picture based on logic. In the course of his life he wrote more than 9000 pages in which he presented his world picture. His main work of 3000 pages is called “Livets Bog” (“The Book of Life”) and has 7 volumes. In addition to this he wrote “The Eternal World Picture” (5 volumes), 30 other titles plus a large number of articles. His complete work has been published with the general title “The Third Testament”, but it is not a basis for a new religion. Martinus’ work has been written for the intellectual person, who has outlived the ability to believe in the religions and it can be said to constitute a basis for a merger of science and spirituality. See

Else Byskov is the author of the following titles about the survival of consciousness and Martinus´ fascinating world picture:

“Death Is an Illusion” – Paragon House, USA 2002 (also published in German and Spanish)

“The Art of Attraction” – Create Space 2009 (also published in Danish)

“The Undiscovered Country – a Non-religious Look at Life after Death” – Create Space 2010.

“The Great Ways to understand the World – the Larger Perspective on the Leading Edge of Thought” – Create Space 2010. (also published in Danish).

Else Byskov´s website:

Friday, January 6, 2012

Is There a Meaning in the Madness?

This is the introduction to my book: Ten Great ways to Understand the World - The Larger Perspective on the Leading Edge of Thought.

Is There a Meaning in the Madness?

I was an atheist for many years and I often despaired over the ills of the world until I discovered a new way of looking at things. This new way was positive, logical, and uplifting. It embraced the idea of a creator, but it had nothing to do with the traditional religions. It meant that I no longer had to despair when I saw what was happening on the surface of the planet. I no longer belonged to the large group of people who fear that we are facing some kind of doom. I saw that there was a meaning despite floods, earthquakes, civil and political unrest, fighting, wars, terrorism, and unhappy fates. There was hope despite thawing poles, polluted air, climate change, population growth, and rising carbon dioxide levels.
In this book it is my aim to facilitate another way of looking at the world – a way that will point out that all is not lost, that we are not doomed, and that a bright light is shining at the end of the tunnel.
Let’s face it: not a whole lot of those we have put at the steering wheel of the planet have a clue about what is actually going on here. I mean, when we look at our scientists, our politicians, and our decision makers not a lot of them have a clue about where we are headed as a population inhabiting a small planet orbiting a small sun. So when we look to our leaders and ask them: “Where are we going? What is happening? What are we doing here? What is life all about? Is there a meaning in the madness?” Well, then we are barking up the wrong tree.
We are barking up the wrong tree because they don´t know. Most of them don´t really have a clue. We are simply asking the elm tree to give us pears.
This is when I ask: Why don’t we just ask somebody who knows?
You may now say that there is nobody who knows the answers to any of the big questions. To that I can only say: “Yes, there is!”
So I suggest that we take a look at what those who know about the state of the world and the meaning of it all have to say. In that we way will be asking the pear tree for pears, and that seems like a much better idea than asking the elm tree for them.
And who are those who know? Those who know are our spiritual masters, teachers of wisdom that can see beyond the obvious and have an insight into the deeper workings of the world. Through their eyes we see a world that is in no way lost or going down the drain. It is a world that is in the process of becoming a perfect place for a harmonious existence for all living beings. It is a world in which the suffering has meaning, where light and love shine through the darkness, where there is sharing, compassion, interconnectedness, and love.
I would like you to take a look at the world through the eyes of my spiritual master. My other books present full introductions to who he is, so here let it suffice to say that he is a modern mystic who lived in Denmark during the major part of the 20th century and that he died in 1981. His name is Martinus. He left a legacy of thousands of pages of spiritual wisdom. This spiritual wisdom has been designed to satisfy our present needs for answers. It is logical, meaningful, and it appeals to our intellect. It is not an object of faith, not something that we should believe in, but something that we should study. And to those who have studied it, it makes so much sense. It gives us logical answers to the big questions; it is uplifting, refreshing, and innovative. And he who has studied it will never want to look at the world in any other way ever again.
My own life can be divided into a before and after I “met” my spiritual master. Well, I didn’t actually meet him in person, but I became acquainted with his writings. Before I “met” him I was clueless, I lived a life devoid of meaning other than the struggle for survival, and I had no idea what I was doing here. But I did have one thing: curiosity. I wanted to know more. I wanted answers to the big questions: where are we coming from and where are we going, is there a meaning somewhere, is there a God?
And because I was asking, the answers came. When I was ready for the answers, my spiritual master appeared. And wow, did he appear. One day, after a long period of searching, a book about my master fell into my hands. The moment I grabbed that book, I intuitively knew that I had found my answers. It took me about a year to read through all the material written by Martinus, but when I had finished reading it all, the bricks inside my head had been permanently rearranged into a logical and beautiful edifice. Where before there were ruins, chaos, and clutter, now there was a palace of meaning, insight, and wisdom. I had found a way to look upon the world that made sense. Not only did it make sense, but it was stuffed with logic, beauty, and joy.
So why not join me on an excursion into this logical and beautiful world view? Please come with me and let us take a good look at ten great ways to understand the world.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Is the Difference between Religion and Spiritual Science?

What Is the Difference between Religion and Spiritual Science?

To most people you cannot separate religion from God, and this means that when you hear the word God, you think that we are now talking about religion. But when you think about it, it really should be possible to talk about God without getting any of the religions involved. That is indeed what Martinus, the Danish visionary points out. To him, God and religion are two vastly different things. The concept of God can be separated from the religions – it is a concept that stands above and beyond all manmade religions.
Martinus calls his work cosmology or spiritual science. It explains in a completely logical and convincing way how the cosmos is organized. And because there is organization, there is an intelligent thinking process behind the cosmos. As you cannot have intelligent thinking without a thinker. There logically has to be a creator – God. This all-transcending consciousness is responsible for the existence of everything. As Martinus explains this in a totally logical, intellectual and straightforward way, his work is not an object of faith. He does not want us to believe in his work, but to study it and analyze it with our intelligence. The work of Martinus appeals to our intelligence – it is not intended to appeal to our feelings. In contrast to this, most religions appeal mainly to our feelings. So, to put it shortly the difference between religion and spiritual science is that religion appeals to our feelings whereas spiritual science appeals to our intellects. Religion is faith-based whereas spiritual science is based on a logic that is acceptable to our intellects.
But why do we need spiritual science. Why are we not content with ”just” having religion?
In the long run religion cannot satisfy our intellects. Religion has not been ”designed” to appeal to our intellects – it is mainly meant to appeal to our feelings.
A religious belief is based in our ability to believe. When our ability to believe is strong, we do not need logical explanations in order to sustain our belief. We simply believe because something inside us tells us that what our religion tells us is right and true. We do not question the beliefs nor do we question what the religious authorities tell us. We believe because it feels right. This ability to believe is based on a strong presence of the energy of instinct in our mental set up. When we are believers the energy of instinct is predominant in our mentality.
Our ability to believe walks hand in hand with a strong belief in authorities. We do as we are told and it feels right. We do not doubt or question what the authorities say.
But as we live life after life our intelligence grows because we add more and more experiences to our ”life bank”. The challenges we are faced with in our everyday lives develop our intelligence and gradually the energy of intelligence increases in our mentality at the expense of the energy of instinct. As the energy of intelligence ”dethrones” the energy of instinct, we become less and less able to believe. Instinct loses ground and intelligence gains ground, and when our intelligence has overtaken our instinct in strength, then we are no longer believers. We simply cannot believe just because somebody tells us to. Our ability to believe is simply no longer strong enough to allow this to happen. In order to become convinced, we need explanations that nourish our intellect.
Together with the decrease of the energy of instinct comes a growing inability to believe in authorities. The person can then no longer just accept what some authority tells him – he becomes a kind of ”rebel” that cannot just conform. He now lives more and more by his own rules. With the predominance of the energy of intelligence both the road to faith and ”obedience” has been blocked.
Religion cannot nurture our intellects. It asks us to ”just” believe without offering logical, watertight explanations. Those who are still able to believe cannot understand how some people can be atheists without any access to faith, because to them it all seems so simple. They just believe and are happy with that. They don´t see the problem that those whose intellect has overtaken their instinct are faced with. It is not that the intellectuals don’t want to believe. They simply cannot. They no longer have “the tools” with which to believe.
Today we have reached a point in time when the percentage of the population that cannot believe is growing rapidly. The churches are getting emptier and emptier. A growing number of people have lost their ability to believe. They then become atheists and throw God overboard.
But that is really just a stage. Sooner or later they will look for a proper intellectual solution to the mystery of life. And when that happens the Martinus material is there to support them. When the pupil is ready, the teacher appears.
The shortest version of Martinus´ fascinating world picture is in my book ”Ten Great Ways to Understand the World – The Larger Perspective on the Leading Edge of Thought”.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

New aspects of The Law of Attraction – the most important natural law in your life.

My book ”The Art of Attraction” – New Aspects of the Law of Attraction” is out now on / and it explains in clear and logical terms how this fantastic natural law works. The book presents lots of good advice about how to make the law work for you, so that you can attract the things and circumstances in your life that you most want.

Fact box: It is irrefutable that there is a law of attraction. This law has been known to physics for more than 100 years, and it decrees that energies on similar wavelengths attract each other. We make use of the law when we listen to the radio, watch television and speak on our mobile phones, because these means of telecommunication make use of the law of attraction for the transmission of electromagnetic waves. This means that we make use of this natural law every day. But the law of attraction also affects our personal lives through the magnetism that our thoughts hold. Our thoughts are”something” even though we cannot see them – they are electromagnetic waves that are measurable. When we think of something, we quite simply attract what we are thinking about or wishing. So there is every reason to ”do some weeding in your thought sphere” and only think positive and happy thoughts. Be careful about what you think – because you attract it….

The magic of life really dawns on you when you understand how the law of attraction works. Once you consciously start to work with your thoughts, so that you focus on the aspects that you want and desire, then you have taken a major step in the direction of mastering your life. And there is not a shadow of a doubt that the law works. The more you concentrate on positive thinking, the more positive things will happen in your life. This is not just wishful thinking, but sheer physics. Negative thoughts vibrate on a completely different wavelength than positive thoughts, and with the vibration you send out, you attract wavelengths from the universe that are a vibrational match to your own wavelength. Happy and positive thoughts attract happy and positive vibrations from the universe, and negative and pissed off thoughts plus worry and pessimism attract negative vibrations – and those negative vibrations can induce illness and ill health.
In ”The Art of Attraction” the physical laws behind the workings of the law of attraction are explained, and you get a lot of advise about how to become a better attractor of what you want. The book underlines the enormous power of thought, because we are what we think. It is our thoughts that have determined where we live, who we are with, what we do and also our relationship to our surroundings. And it is also our thoughts that constitute the most important factor in our health, because with thoughts of illness, pessimism and worry we attract negative vibrations and consequently ill health. Today the power of thoughts in connection with healing is becoming more and more recognized, also within the field of traditional medicine, so there is every reason to practise positive thinking. It can save your life...
The book also points out that we are the ones who decide what we think. This is a very important point. We decide which thoughts are being thought in our heads– nobody else does. If a thought isn’t pleasing to us, we can just let it go and think about something pleasing instead. We have the world’s best ”built in” measuring device to determine if a thought is good and appropriate or bad and inappropriate: our emotional guidance system. If a certain thought makes us feel bad, then the emotional guidance system has passed verdict, and it means that we should immediately throw that thought overboard and find another thought to focus on. When we feel discomfort around a certain type of thought, be it illness, worry, terrorism or politics, then there is every reason to ”change channels” and find a thought that gives us positive feelings. We have millions of thoughts on millions of wavelengths at our disposal, so why linger on the ones that make us feel bad? The book gives lots of instructions about how to become good at choosing your thoughts, and the better you get at choosing positive thoughts the more happiness and joy will you attract. Because what you focus on and what you attract and what manifests in your life is always a match – every time, no exception.
Does it sound too simple? Then read the book and try for yourself. It is guaranteed to work because the law of attraction is the most powerful natural law of the universe. And you can make it work for you!

This is what the press wrote:”Else Byskov’s book is very easy to read and it has many good and diverse arguments that urge you to start improving your mix of thoughts. It is a book that reveals both humour and insight, so you become both happier and wiser by reading it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Detox your thoughts - now!

Detox your thoughts – now!

It is becoming more and more evident that our thoughts are an important factor in our health. This is no longer something that is only valid within the field of alternative health care – even at hospitals you are now told to think positively about your own healing in order to speed up your recovery. And it helps! There is no longer any doubt that positive thoughts and visualizations can enhance our health.
According to Martinus, the Danish visionary, our thoughts are not just important – they are THE most important factor in our health. Our thoughts have the power to kill us or to make us lead healthy lives.
Our thoughts are electromagnetic radiation and with this stream of energy we magnetize our body. When we magnetize our body with happy and positive thoughts this has a good effect on our general health. With happy thoughts we simply send “good vibes” into our body and this will enhance the immune system and make us stronger, fitter and more radiant.
When we magnetize our body with pessimistic thoughts, then this negative energy will also affect the body. But in this case the result will be fatigue, proneness to illnesses, pessimism and even depression. We simply undermine our health with negative thoughts.
What kind of thoughts should we avoid then? Well, these would be the most toxic thoughts: worry, envy, hatred, revenge, jealousy, greed, disdain, self-depreciation, self-hatred, irritation, anger, pessimism and unlove. We would do our health a favor if we could detox our thought sphere of those thoughts.
But how can we do that? Where is the delete button for our thoughts? Well – there is no delete button for thoughts, because even if we shout “NO” to a thought, it is still predominant “in there”. The only way to get rid of unwanted thoughts is to find a happy replacement thought and put that at the forefront of our thought sphere.
A replacement thought could be a vision of yourself in the most desirable position that you can think of: you have just won a million dollars, been crowned a beauty queen, won the Nobel prize, won the Tour de France, won an Oscar, won a trip around the world, published a bestseller, regained your health, run a marathon, climbed the Matterhorn, established a successful business etc. Make a replacement thought that reflects your highest desire and your deepest wishes, and have this though ready in your mind.
Now, when a pessimistic and depressing though crops up, then you send it packing to Siberia where it belongs with the happy replacement thought. Once you have practiced this for a few days, the toxic thoughts start getting tired of the game and eventually they pack in and stop cropping up. Your thoughts sphere will then be dominated by happy and positive thoughts – you have then simply performed a thought detox. And it won´t be long before you can see the effects: improved health, improved circumstances and improved finances. With happy thoughts you simply attract all the things you have ever dreamed about. The law of attraction sees to that, because: as you think you vibrate and as you vibrate you attract.
So why wait? Start your thought detox today.
You will then not only have helped yourself, but you will be a positive light in the world and your “good vibes” will spread out to others and help raise the energy level of the whole planet.

Want to know more? Then please read: “Ten Great Ways to Understand the World – The Larger Perspective on the Leading Edge of Thought” (

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The first shall be last, the last first

The first shall be last, the last first.

Many hard core materialistic scientists are adamant in telling us that our consciousness is a product of chemical processes in the brain, that the near-death experience is just a figment of a contorted imagination, that death is the final outcome of life and that we only live one life. Then our consciousness is extinguished and that is it. Finito. They know better and they readily ridicule those who have a larger perspective and a different view than theirs.
However, as none of the above has ever been proved, those who adhere to these theories are pure believers. They believe in something that they cannot prove. They are not the levelheaded scientists that they claim to be.
Today many, many people are open to a new way of seeing the world. The evidence for the survival of conscience is growing every day and more and more results from serious research into past life recall and reincarnation is putting a new way of looking upon the world on the agenda.
Many people have trouble believing in reincarnation because they say that there is no comprehensive philosophy that explains the larger perspective comprising many lives on Earth. But that is not true. A complete comprehensive philosophy comprising both the physical and the spiritual levels of existence has been presented by the Danish 20th century visionary Martinus. My 4 books about Martinus’ fabulous, logical and beautiful world picture all explain why reincarnation is much more than just a belief. A new world picture is emerging and in time it will topple the old.
The future belongs to those who can see beyond the physical plane and who are open to a new way of seeing the world: a larger perspective full of logic, beauty and love. In order to be open for a new way of seeing the world our intuition has to have been awakened. If your intuitive ability is still asleep, you will be closed-minded.
Our intuitive ability is awakened on the strength of our experiences and sufferings in former lives. When we have learned humility and no longer think that we already know it all, then we become open for a new and much larger perspective on life, death and the mystery of both.
Those whose intuitive ability has been awakened are often not so “fancy people”. They don’t hold high positions, they are not professors or dons, they don’t flash jewelry around or drive fancy cars. They don’t want to show off or impress others with their money, intelligence or wit. They are humble people. They are “the last” – and they will be the first to see that there is more to life than just a single lifetime. They are the ones that are awakening.
The “first” are all those who think they already know it all. They are the self-important scientists and all the high members of the clergy: the Pope, the cardinals, the priests and the high and mighty. They have not yet learned humility and they are still fast asleep. Their intuition is still dormant. They will be the last to see and accept that a new world order is about to topple the old. They will be the last to see that the universe is a much more magical place than they had ever imagined.